Process Optimisation

Advanced Analytics

We use statistical techniques to develop Benefits Management frameworks for complex investment portfolios.

Large infrastructure portfolios – like the running of an airport or a port – usually have multiple efficiency projects underway at any one time. These efficiency projects are often, when taken in isolation, beneficial to future operations. But without examining the projects holistically – and assessing which are best for the outcomes of the portfolio, many projects may be nugatory or counterproductive.

We take a data driven approach to portfolio benefits management – this ensures that the customer can choose the correct projects to invest in to meet their strategic objectives.

  • Hawkrose, using statistical analysis and Bayesian Belief Networks, will assess where processes are most consequential to the time, cost and quality performance of large asset acquisition or build programme.
  • Within the Aviation domain, Hawkrose tools model passenger, aircraft and baggage process chains in order to generate quantitative, annualised performance impacts of proposed improvement initiatives through Bayesian inference.
  • Workforce Planning is another novel application of Hawkrose process and value mapping. Hawkrose analysts can integrate the recruitment, retention and rewarding of an organisation’s people into the overall process value chain. This approach has particular utility in contexts where successful outcomes are predicated on the a large number of high specialised individuals working together to achieve business objectives, i.e. Defence Organisations or Public Health Bodies.

Do you have a problem which we can help solve?